Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Sewage Treatment Plants

Sewage treatment plants
Sewage treatment plants are great for so many reasons, but the greatest fact is the end result. The discharge of sewage effluent can be up to a staggering 98% cleaner then the contaminating raw sewage that a septic tank discharges! Simply put the sewage treatment plant is designed with the environment in mind, to stop contamination from wastewater and household sewage, which includes the removal of physical, chemical and biological contaminations. The result is an environmentally-safe water waste. So how does it work?
The sewage treatment plant has three compartments, the primary settlement tank, the aeration tank and the final settlement tank. So the process starts when all the sewage waste enters the first compartment. Here anaerobic breakdown will begin, due to the large volume the velocity of the wastewater will be reduced which allows maximum time in the chamber. This will make the settlement rate a lot higher, which basically means that the heavier solids will drop out of the water and settle at the bottom of the tank which will create sludge. This process will remove up to 70% of the solids.
The second state is in the aeration tank also known as the heart of machine. Here there are masses of natural bacteria specially designed for the plastic filter media, which have a large surface area. The liquid will slowly flow through the filter where the bacteria feed on the waste, thus removing it from the liquid. Air is constantly supplied from the air compressor at the top of the unit to sustain the bacteria. The liquid will be continuously circulated within the aeration tank, this ensures a very high efficiency. The purified liquid will then move into the final chamber – the settlement zone.
In the final settlement chamber as the liquid flows from the aeration zone small amounts of bacteria might be carried with it. So once again the velocity of the liquid is slowed down to maximise the settlement of the bacteria at the bottom of the tank. This sludge is then returned to the primary settlement tank for the process to start again. The rest of the remaining liquid now meets the required standard to be safely passed out the of sewage treatment plant to the soak-away, or another discharge point, like a water course.
The Tricel sewage treatment plant has been designed in accordance with EN 125566-3, and is fully compliant with the environment agency and building regulations. Tricel was awarded the CE mark after completing a very rigorous nine month test by PIA Gmbh Testing Institute for Wastewater Technology in Aachen, Germany. This all help our environment today and in the future and for that reason we recommend the Tricel Sewage Treatment Plant. For the best prices please visit