Wednesday, 29 June 2011

What Is Sewage? New Post Added to wordpress!

What Is Sewage?

Sewage, also known as waste-water,  is water based waste that normally needs to be removed from an area.  It commonly contains physical, chemical or biological waste.  There are different types of sewage, ranging from commercial, agricultural, sanitary and surface water -waste.  Sewage is often discharged from a property through a underground drainage network.  It then need to be carried off to be treated before being released back into the environment.   There are many different ways to treat sewage, and many countries vary there approach.  Amazingly, with advanced technology, Singapore can now produce drinking water from sewage.  However this is the only place to do this, and as you can imagine this drinking water is not very popular.

Any sewage that is emitted from residential properties will contain human waste, cleaning products, including soaps and bleach, garbage and other materials. More often than not sewage will be toxic, and therefore needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

In most countries there is a national sewage system, however not all properties are connected, depending on their location.  If this is the case then you will have to install and maintain either a septic tank, sewage treatment plant or a cesspool.  Cesspools are only used as a last resort if a soak away cannot be installed.  A soak is where the treated sewage water is discharged over a large sewage area.  It consists of a network of perforated  drains or crates, that lets the water drain naturally over a period of time back into the ground.   Most people currently prefer the sewage treatment plant, as it is literally a mini sewage plants, and the end result can be a staggering 98% cleaner than raw sewage.

Sewage often contains organisms that contain disease, which have the potential to kill humans and animals.  It will also cause great damage to the environment.  This pollution affects plants and organisms within a large radius of the raw sewage discharge.

For so many reason we need to make sure that all forms of sewage are collected in a safe manner and the dealt with, making sure that all toxic substances are removed before the treated material is then reused.